Monday, May 18, 2009


This morning in my quite time I was reading in Numbers 13 the story of the 12 spies being sent out to spy on the promised land that God had promised to them. They were told to go and check out the promise land and come back with a report about who inhabits it and if the land was good to inhabit. The 12 spies went out and saw that the land was a land full of "Milk and Honey" which means that the land would be a great place to live. However, they also saw that the land was inhabited with enemies and not only enemies, but also giants. This was a concern for a number of the spies because they felt that there was no way they could overcome the amount of enemies in this land much less the giants. So, when they spies returned to give there report 10 out of the 12 lied about the promise land saying that it was not a good place to live and that the land would devour its inhabitants. They also talked about the giants and the enemies telling everyone that there was no way that they could inhabit this land. All the people that heard this report were devastated and decided that the best thing for them to do would be to go back to Egypt and just be slaves again. However, there were 2 spies that said we can do it, they told the people that the land did have enemies and giants, but they could do it because God was with them.

I don't doubt that the 10 spies that lied about the land had good intentions, I am sure that they were concerned for their people and their lives. However, I believe that they forgot the most important thing of all....GOD WAS WITH THEM. They were looking at the circumstances and saying that there is no way that we can do this, these giants are to big and our enemies to great. I believe that it wasn't that the giants were to big, but that there God was to small. Its like they saw the giants and all of their enemies and said there is no way that WE can do this, they were right, THEY couldn't. THEY forgot how big their God was and how he could and would do the impossible.

This got me thinking about the FUSE launch and how I have been believing God for 300-350 students. As, I was thinking about this God impressed on me that I am like the 10 spies who returned with bad reports because I am looking at the natural and what I can do. I feel that it is doable for ME to rally 300-350 students for the launch of FUSE, but I feel like God was telling me to trust him like the other 2 spies, Joshua and Caleb. I believe that God is wanting me to remember just how big he is and that I am putting limitations on him by looking at the natural. So, I am praying for over 500 students the very first night of FUSE because I feel like that is a ridiculous number that only God can pull off. I do not want the ministry that God has in trusted us all with to be limited by our GIANTS we all need to remember how BIG OUR GOD IS.

Pray With Me

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Make sure you make your text WHITE so it shows up for everyone to read!! Thanks - Pastor Josh